In the moments when I’m truly alone and thinking, I wonder about intelligence. About what it is to be intelligent. Recently, I have found an interesting view on the matter. How is Experience different from intelligence? Is intelligence ability to process experience?
As usual, I do not have answers to these questions. The logic behind the first of these questions is, that intelligence could be perceived as ability to conclude some outcome from given input. That might sound trivial, but on a proper scale this “problem solving” is exactly the definition of intelligence.
Isn’t it true that the solutions we find for various problems come from experience? What role does intelligence play in there? If we have no experience with the given problem, we improvise, typically by trying to boil down the problem and translate it to another problem, that we already have experience with.
Experience is also given from generation to generation, sometimes without real effect, sometimes successfully. This way the younger generation will always surpass the old one. I think, that the new generation is not more intelligent, it has only (at least in some sense) more experience, because it received experience from the one before them.
Still, there is a time, when human does not have any experience, or very little of it. This is why, I believe that the speed with which one gains experience is a certain representation of intelligence. Because after all, everyone has different amounts of different experiences.
I have failed my expectations. There are many things that could excuse this lack of new posts (every week, huh). I will however say only the truth. This writing has lost its appeal to me. I still think about stuff, I just do not believe it is that important/interesting. Therefore, this is the last post in the Thinking weekly series. I will still be thinking, I will still from time to time write something new here, but I hope it will be of greater quality and interest, since it will not be forced.