We all know that family is important in development of a person. Not only because of genetics, but also greatly because of the influence of the surroundings. If one has a tyrannical parents, it will certainly influence the views and feelings of a child.
But surroundings matter at any point in life. It doesn’t matter if you were born lazy, were lazy as a child, and believe that you are lazy. If you get into a highly productive environment, it is unlikely that you will feel comfortable sitting in there doing nothing. And it is even more unlikely that the productive people around will feel comfortable around this black sheep.
Nothing too interesting so far. What am I on about, then? Consider following scenario: A person is in their formative age learns that laziness is not severely punished, if you do the required minimum. Later on in life, at university they learn that extra work is not only appreciated, it helps to better understand the topic at hand. You might say they change their approach to work.
Some problems appear, and the person is forced to stay a longer period of time back in the environment, where laziness was the way of life. They have to spend extra effort in order to not fail the volume of responsibilities they took upon themselves. This puts up more strain, on potentially already very strained person, and nobody ever knows where is the breaking point. For someone else, and often even for ourselves.