Exactness. Close to impossible for a human, but ridiculously easy for a machine. I would say it is a virtue and I praise anyone who strives for it. Being exact, mathematically exact, makes communication, contrary to popular belief, a lot easier.
Month: November 2019
#11 – A place for everyone
Internet. One of the most (if not the most) influential invention of the last century. So free and accessible, one might almost believe that it is a great platform for democracy. Everyone has a voice. An anonymous, non-consequential ability to speak their mind. Does it have any drawbacks?
#10 – Bought and Sold
What is the value of a person? Some say that every person is different, that every person is invaluable, that even asking these questions is wrong. But lets open our minds and try to think about the unthinkable. Lets face the reality.
#9 – A quick look into freedom
Freedom is a great thing. A thing we all desire. It is in human nature. But too much of anything is bad. Especially when we don’t know the potential consequences.