Is your body something you should be positive about? Why? Why should you be positive about anything? Is positivity really that important? Should you be positive about every aspect of your life?
If you know anything about me, it is clear to you that I will obviously try to argue against positivity. Or, to be more precise, against the positive approach to everything. Why and how would I do that? In my view, this call for positivity is, in effect, harmful to people.
I assume you experienced or at least heard about social pressures. The pressure to behave a certain way, marry, stay with kids at home, work hard, make more money, watch that new series, etc. The positivity is similar to these. Everyone assumes that you should be happy and optimistic about the events around you. Hopeful at the very least.
We all know that depression is not uncommon, but still, it is very private. Why is it such a problem to share openly one’s issues? For me, it is typically the assumption that nobody wants to listen to my difficulties (not to say I suffer from depression, luckily, that is not the case). They have enough on their plate. So, like most people, I spread this facade of positivity in society. But I believe that striving for a more balanced mindset is healthier and more natural.
It is healthier because it is more authentic. Nobody lives only positive experiences. It is normal to get up sad, unmotivated, or just empty in the morning. Accept it, admit it, and live with it. We all feel, and none of us feels only the good. There is no reason to deny your negative feelings in the effort to smash them with positive and wholesome quotes like “Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.” (for more examples, see this). This “change your mind and everything will be positive” is destructive.
Now, I hope you see the angle I tried to present. Let us get back to the issue of body positivity. Now, I am no extremist; in many cases, accepting your body as is, is the best thing to do. But not everyone. There are cases too extreme that I cannot support with a clear conscience.
But what I would love to see the most when it comes to human bodies is something one might call body indifference. Not extreme one, we still need our bodies, but we do not need them the same way our ancestors did. Many people work static jobs and exercise just for the sake of exercising, to seem fit. Even though they do not need it. Some physical activity is good, but lifting weights in a closed space? Not as much.
When what really matters is that which brought us to this era of prosperity. Where our main enemy is our own mentality or greed. That is our brain. Only that. Fuck what you think about your abs, your jawline, your butt, your nose, your hair… Your brain can set us all to a better future. Your magnificent abs are a waste of time.
I call for body indifference. Let us try to not presume based on visuals. Let us not waste our time doing pointless things, whether overeating or overexercising. Or the king of them all, plastic surgery. How many surgeons could have been doing standard surgery…
Look into your mind. Find something worthy and do that instead.